
Upcoming Training and Events


Join our upcoming product workshops, for an in-depth look into Mobile, WHC and number porting and an introduction to Telecoms. There are various dates to choose from so click on the links and pick the sessions that best suit you.


These workshops are for those Partners interested in up-skilling their workforce on the Onecom Partners Mobile proposition. Providing an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the rapidly evolving Mobile marketplace and how our Mobile portfolio can help you support your customers, while increasing your revenue.

Product and Commercial – a high level overview of the Onecom Partners Mobile offering. Including; tariffs, commercials, sales collateral and support. 

Provisioning and In-life – this session provides ordering and support training for our Mobile offering. Areas covered include; using our iBillie portal for placing orders and in-life updates, the support available from our Mobile Team and core billing information.


Number porting 

This in-depth, intensive two-hour course aims to take your understanding of porting to the next level. It’s for those who are familiar with porting, rather than new starters, and therefore won’t cover the mechanics of how to place port orders.


Number porting masterclass - covering an in-depth look at the UK porting process, 8 porting scenarios, porting lead times, commercial aspects and lots more!


Introduction to telecoms 

Our Intro to Telecoms webinar offers in-depth training, ideal for new starters or to act as a refresher for existing members of the team.


Intro to Telecoms - attendees will become equipped with the essential knowledge of the products you sell. Covering all forms of Connectivity including SOGEA and FTTP, Hosted Solutions, SIP trunks, Inbound Call Management, and Mobile as well as traditional Calls and Lines.




Our BT WHC overview sessions will give attendees great insight into the platform's capabilities in terms of both hosted UC and SIP trunking

WHC Product Overview - A breakdown of the BT WHC's Hosted Voice and SIP Trunking offering. Covering feature set, licencing, hardware and commercials. An overview of the training, pre-sales and marketing support on offer will also be provided.

WHC Ordering & Configuration Overview - This session will be a practical demonstration of how to use’s Business Zone and the WHC Business Portal to create and configure Hosted and SIP services for an end customer.

WHC Applications - This session will give attendees a detailed understanding of the different value-added applications available with the WHC service.


If you would like more information on what each session includes, please do not hesitate to contact your Partner Business Manager or email