
Staying connected


As our teams are now working from home, we’ve introduced a weekly staff newsletter to help keep everyone connected.

This week’s update included book recommendations, following a request from a few team members who are looking for something new to read

We’ve curated a list of the best books to devour in lockdown, by asking our colleagues what they are currently reading. Grab a cup of tea and get ready to get lost in the 9 library.

If you have a book which you’d recommend for our library, just email

I’m reading the Light between the Oceans by ML Stedman – this was loaned to me prior to lockdown (thank you Vicki C) and is a nice easy read in the garden on my swing-seat.

Tara Kelman
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I’m currently reading Freakonomics by Steve D. Levitt.

Tim Barnett
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Frank is incredibly candid about his battle with mental health whilst being one of the most humble and respectful men around in our lifetime.I found myself restricting how much I would read in one sitting so I could reflect on what he had to say and make the enjoyment last.

James Carroll
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His Dark Materials is a great book. If you plan to read it, I recommend Amazon as you can get all three books in one. It’s a giant book and so far keeping me fully occupied in the evening.

Debbie Wealthall
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The Salt Path is a beautifully told true story. It takes place on the South West Coast Path, which is a familiar place for many of us. It’s uplifting and moving, and makes me want to pop my walking boots on.

Louise Abbey
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Reach for a local author I say! I read the project trilogy after finding out I regularly had coffee with the author, Nikki Owen. She’s writing more at the moment and I think they’re brilliant. Think Bourne with a female lead.The good thing is, there are two more books after this, so plenty to get you through lockdown.

Barnes Clutterbuck
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Then to keep things ticking over upstairs …A short read but it’ll make you curious to read on!This book led me into physics and the hopeless realisation that I needed to revisit mathematics before my next book recommendation, which is on classical mechanics.

Barnes Clutterbuck
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This book needs prep but if you can grasp the mathematics required (fun process in itself) to read and understand this book, then you’ll have quarantine licked. Interesting rabbit hole of ideas and a quarantine time killer.Calculus tests when we return!I recommend coming out of quarantine fitter, healthier and happier.

Barnes Clutterbuck
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I have been re-reading A Little History of the World by EH Gombrich. Non-fiction but very enjoyable and easy to read in the sunshine or on the sofa.

Alex Nutting 
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I heard this inspiring and utterly eccentric artist speak at the Cheltenham literature festival last year. This book is full of exercises to help keep your creativity alive in lockdown.

Louise Abbey
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I recommend anything on this shelf really.  P.G. Wodehouse – the master of language and style. I have read most of them at least five times and am currently revisiting Jeeves in the Offing.We all need some light hearted comedy at the moment and I commend Wodehouse’s entire works to your attention.

Mark Saunders
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