How we find the right people to support our business


Adam Cathcart, Managing Director of Onecom Partners about how we recruit the right people to ensure we give our Partners the best experience.

“As the country emerges out of lockdown and the economy is showing signs of recovery, we’ve seen a surge in recruitment activity across the board, which is really positive to see.

We’ve spotted a trend amongst ambitious candidates who are at the early stages of their career, on the search for their next step up. The quality of candidates that we’ve had approach us has been consistently phenomenal.

Digital skill set 

Our channel plays a crucial role in helping to drive digital growth, both through delivering innovative solutions that transform the way that people work, and by helping to develop employees to become digital leaders.

Helping young people to establish strong digital skills is crucial, as they will form our future workforce. We’re observing inspirational work in STEM education to promote careers in industries such as ours. It’s our responsibility to support initiatives like these, and to attract and nurture this future talent.

We know that many of our Partners play a leading role with inspiring young people in their communities to pursue careers in comms and IT. We’d love to hear about the work that you might be doing in this space, to help inspire the next generation. Get in touch at