
Fraud prevention


We understand that this time of the year can be a vulnerable time for businesses, with reduced staff and less opportunity to spot the signs of fraud in time. We’re here to do all that we can to support you in reducing this risk.

Telephone and hosted system fraud is a global problem, and an average incident can cost in the thousands. So we’ve put together a checklist to help you to protect your customer's businesses.

The Federation of Communication Services (FCS) has produced some handy instructions to help businesses guard against fraud. We have used this information to create a quick checklist.

Customer Checklist

A senior manager should be aware of these safeguards and ensure staff follow them as relevant.

  • Passwords and access codes should be changed regularly and if possible be alpha/numeric and as many digits as the system allows. Avoid 0000, 1234, extension number=PIN passwords.
  • Delete/change passwords for ex-employees.
  • Consider limiting call types by extension, if an extension user has no requirement to ring international/premium rate numbers then bar access to these call types.
  • If possible, restrict outbound calls outside working hours.
  • Secure the system physically, site it in a secure comms room and restrict access to that area.
  • Consider Exceptional Call Reporting cover which will cover you in the event of a fraud attempt up to the value of £5,000.
  • Ensure you fully understand your system’s functionality and capabilities and restrict access to those services which you do not use.
  • Mailboxes – block access to unallocated mailboxes on the system, change the default PIN on unused mailboxes. If possible remove any unused mailboxes.
  • Be vigilant for evidence of hacking – this could be not being able to dial out or calls outside business hours.
  • Assess the security of all telephone and or hosted system devices/applications: platform, operating system, password and permissions scheme. Carefully evaluate the security of any onboard remote management utility (eg PC Anywhere) for possible holes.
  • Check firewall logs weekly.
  • If relevant, set access PIN on smartphones that will use VOIP
  • Limit VOIP registrations to office network
  • For SIP systems, set credit limits per phone per day

We hope these tips help you to protect your business.