COVID-19 Pandemic, Partner Update


Firstly, we hope that you, your family and your teams are safe and well. These are challenging times but rest assured that we’re doing everything we can to make things easier for you and your customers.

We continue to work closely with industry bodies to understand any changes which are being introduced as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. You can find further information below.

We’ll continue to update you over the coming weeks. If you have any queries or feedback in the meantime, please continue to approach us, we’re here to help as always.



Provisioning carried out by Service Delivery and Fibre and Network Delivery:

Service delivery – engineers can only enter a customer’s premises if they have a total loss of service or in order to provide a new service. Non-appointed work is available to the exterior of customers’ premises only.

Fibre and Network Delivery – end-to-end provision is permitted within a customer’s premises, so long as COVID secure guidelines are met.

FTTP appointments

FTTP appointments have been temporarily placed on hold, due to COVID-19 restrictions. We anticipate that appointments will be available from 1st March 2021, and will keep you updated as we hear more.

Escalations my be accepted for anyone who is a key worker, enabling us to potentially provide some customer appointments ahead of 1st March. Please contact us to discuss any specific requirements you might have.

Engineers working safely

As well as maintaining strict social distancing, engineers will make communication with the site contact ahead of the visit, to ensure that access to work areas are clear, surfaces are clean and windows are open.

Where engineers will be contacting customers directly, ahead of the appointment, we recommend that Partners notify customers in advance, to help set expectations.

Engineers may be wearing masks and gloves and will ensure that they wipe down work areas on completion of the job.

You can find more useful information about the precautions Openreach are taking to ensure safe engineer visits here.

Get in touch

I’ll be back in touch with another update soon, however if you have any questions or feedback, please get in touch, we’re here to help.